AED 1,500,000
∞ AED/ft²
Ready To move l High floor l sea view
Al Reem Island -
AED 1,500,000
∞ AED/ft²
Ready To move l High floor l sea view
Al Reem Island -
Property features
Air conditioning
Shared parking
Shared pool
About this property
Sun Tower is an exclusive luxury residential tower for those who like to have both lavishness and convenience at the tip of their fingers. The Sun Tower, is a 65-storey architectural masterpiece is home to stylish residential spaces with enchanting views of the Gulf and Abu Dhabi skyline. Apartment Features: > Furnished with Executive Furniture > Spacious living/dining room >Built-in wardrobes. > Chandeliers . > Wall papers High End Facilities: >Double Glazed Windows >Swimming Pool >Spa and Jacuzzi >Sauna and Steam Rooms >Health Care and Recreational Facilities >Gymnasium >Landscaped Garden >Secured Car Parks >Concierge >24 Hours Maintenance >24 Hours Security Photos used are for illustration purposes only and may not be the exact representation of the unit Welcome to Huspy, a leading real estate company that is committed to providing exceptional service to our clients. With years of experience in the industry, we have established ourselves as a reliable and trustworthy partner for all your real estate needs.
Exact location will be provided prior to visit
Calculate the value of the mortgage
We help you find a mortgage with the best conditions.
Price of your property
Down payment
Duration of the mortgage
Monthly fee *
AED 6,327.42
Number of installments
300 installments
Duration of the mortgage
25 years
Interest rate (estimated)
Total disbursement
AED 1,898,225.43
Further information*
This estimate has been made taking into account general interest rate conditions and other items. For a more accurate estimate, please contact our team.
We help you find a mortgage with the best conditions.
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Listed on Fri, 10 May
AED 1,500,000
∞ AED/ft²
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