AED 17,000,000
2.024 AED/ft²
Luxurious Beach front 6 BR Villa
Yas Island -
AED 17,000,000
2.024 AED/ft²
Luxurious Beach front 6 BR Villa
Yas Island -
Property features
Air conditioning
Storage area
About this property
Welcome to Yas Island Lea, where your dream of luxury island living becomes a reality. Nestled within the vibrant community of Yas Island. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Yas Island as you explore the possibilities in Yas Island Lea. Surrounded by lush greenery, scenic waterways, and breathtaking views, this tranquil oasis provides the ideal backdrop for your dream home. Villa Facilities: 6 bedrooms 4 Living Areas and Double Height Smart Home Solar System Infinity Swimming Pool Jacuzzi Japanese Gardens And Sky Light Canal And Sea View Rooftop Terrace Parking Huspy Real Estate A renowned innovative total solution provider with prominence in the UAE real estate industry. Specializes in residential and commercial sales, leasing and corporate acquisitions with a group of dedicated and talented professional consultants.
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Calculate the value of the mortgage
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Price of your property
Down payment
Duration of the mortgage
Monthly fee *
AED 71,710.74
Number of installments
300 installments
Duration of the mortgage
25 years
Interest rate (estimated)
Total disbursement
AED 21,513,221.57
Further information*
This estimate has been made taking into account general interest rate conditions and other items. For a more accurate estimate, please contact our team.
We help you find a mortgage with the best conditions.
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Listed on Fri, 3 May
AED 17,000,000
2.024 AED/ft²
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