AED 3,096,828
∞ AED/ft²
High ROI | Luxury | Great Investment | Balcony
Dubai Hills Estate -
AED 3,096,828
∞ AED/ft²
High ROI | Luxury | Great Investment | Balcony
Dubai Hills Estate -
Property features
Air conditioning
Gas heating
Shared parking
About this property
Ellington House IV is a modern residential building in Dubai Hills Estate designed with a minimalist approach, drawing inspiration from classic design principles. Its exterior is characterized by a sleek and contemporary aesthetic that seamlessly blends into the natural surroundings. The building's bright color palette further accentuates this feature, giving it a unique and unmistakable identity. The apartments in Ellington House IV are spacious and functional, with layouts that cater to a variety of needs. The building also offers a wide range of amenities, including a landscaped green garden, a pool with a lounge area for relaxation, a well-equipped fitness center, a children's pool, BBQ areas, a club lounge, and an outdoor relaxation area. If you are looking for a stylish and comfortable home in a serene setting, Ellington House IV is a great option to consider.
Exact location will be provided prior to visit
Calculate the value of the mortgage
We help you find a mortgage with the best conditions.
Price of your property
Down payment
Duration of the mortgage
Monthly fee *
AED 13,063.28
Number of installments
300 installments
Duration of the mortgage
25 years
Interest rate (estimated)
Total disbursement
AED 3,918,985.11
Further information*
This estimate has been made taking into account general interest rate conditions and other items. For a more accurate estimate, please contact our team.
We help you find a mortgage with the best conditions.
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Listed on Fri, 3 May
AED 3,096,828
∞ AED/ft²
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