AED 700,000
∞ AED/ft²
Stunning Open View |Chiller Free | Fully Furnished
Meydan -
AED 700,000
∞ AED/ft²
Stunning Open View |Chiller Free | Fully Furnished
Meydan -
Property features
About this property
HUSPY Real Estate is delighted to present this Modern Studio Apartment for sale, located in Azizi Riviera 29, Meydan one, Meydan, Dubai. Property Details: * Fully Furnished Studio Apartment * Spacious balcony * Built-in wardrobe * Open View * One Parking Space Amenities: * Centralized AC * Apartments with balconies * Swimming pool * Fully equipped multi-gym * Sauna * Covered parking * Concierge services * Retail outlets * Gym & Pool Access Riviera is the ideal location for contemporary community living since it combines the best of French Mediterranean design perspective with modern architecture. Riviera is made up of 69 mid-rise apartment buildings, a massive integrated shopping area, stunning views of the water and a lot of vegetation. Riviera urges its citizens to join a diverse and ethnic community and to feel at home. Outdoor activities that are appropriate for families, leisure time, eating out, and shopping are all part of daily life. In numerous respects, Riviera is establishing a new standard for communal living in Dubai. Please call for more information, to arrange a viewing or to make an offer.
Exact location will be provided prior to visit
Calculate the value of the mortgage
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Price of your property
Down payment
Duration of the mortgage
Monthly fee *
AED 2,952.80
Number of installments
300 installments
Duration of the mortgage
25 years
Interest rate (estimated)
Total disbursement
AED 885,838.54
Further information*
This estimate has been made taking into account general interest rate conditions and other items. For a more accurate estimate, please contact our team.
We help you find a mortgage with the best conditions.
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Listed on Fri, 3 May
AED 700,000
∞ AED/ft²
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